Scalar Data
- A scalar is the simplest kind of data that Perl manipulates
- String of characters
- primatives
- Numbers
- Perl always uses double-point precision for values (no difference between floats or integers)
- Examples:
#Numbers $myint1 = 123456; $myint2 = 123_456; # can use _ anywhere in number $mybig1 = 1.23e10; # e notation $mysmall1 = 0xff; # hex notation print "$myint1 \n$myint2 \n$mybig1 \n$mysmall1 \n"; #Output: #123456 #123456 #12300000000 #255
#Arithmetic $ans = 2 + 3 # 5 $ans = 5.1 – 2.4 # 2.7 $ans = 3 * 12 $ans = 14 / 2 $ans = 7 % 3 # 1 (modulus) $ans = 7 ** 3 # 343 (exponential, 7^3)
- Strings
- Sequence of characters from “” to “max memory” – Perl has no built-in limit for strings
- Can come in two different types: ‘Single Quoted String’ vs “Double Quoted String”
- ‘Single Quoted’
- Any string within the quotes stand for itself (except the single quote character, which would terminate this string)
'hello\n' # hello + newline character 'hello there' # hello + newline + there 'don\'t forget' # don't forget # the \' is needed to continue this string to the end
- “Double Quoted”
- The backslash takes its full power definition, such as tab and newline characters
- “Double Quoted”
"hello world \n" # hello world + newline "coke\tsprite" # coke + tab + sprite
- String Operators
- Concatenation is . (period)
- String repetition is done using the x character
- String Operators
"fred" x 3 # "fredfredfred" 5 x 3.7 # "555" The "5" is converted to string and "3.7" is truncated to "3" "cat" x .7 # "" empty string result due to truncation
- Generally Perl does all numbers / strings conversions by acknowledging the situation
- Checks operators to determine what data types are expected
- Does type conversions on the fly, some exceptions:
- Generally Perl does all numbers / strings conversions by acknowledging the situation
"Z" . 5*7 # "Z35" this results in Z concatenated to the result of 5*7 "12fred" * " 3" # "36" the "fred" is truncated as the "*" operator requires number
- Perl Warnings
- When running perl programs, give the “-w” option to view warnings
$ perl -w
- Or include the option in the header of the program file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; # two other ways to turn on warnings
- Scalar Variables
- A scalar variable holds a single scalar value, and is begins with $ in the variable name
- Scalar variables in always preceded with $ (sigil)
- Binary Assignment Operators
$myvar += 1; incremental
$str .= "\n"; concat at string end
- Interpolation
- Any variable within a string with double quotes is replaced with its value
print “fred at $n ${what}s. \n”; print “fred at $n $what” . “s. \n”; #both these lines output the same
- Operator Precedence – Order from highest to lowest:
- Left to right
- Parentheses
- Auto incrementation/decrements (++/–)
- Exponent **
- Arithmetic
- Comparison Operators
- Have both characters and words to do the comparisons. Table:
Equal | == | eq |
Not Equal | != | ne |
Less than | < | lt |
Greater than | > | gt |
Less or equal | <= | le |
Greater or equal | >= | ge |
- IF control
If ($name gt ‘fred') { print "here"; } Else { print "there"; }
- IF control with Boolean values
$result = $name gt ‘fred'; If ($result) {...}
- For numbers, any value other than zero is true, zero is always false
- For strings, empty string is false, anything else is true
- Exception for strings # “0” is actually the save value as number zero so it is the only non-empty string that will result in false
- Getting User Input
- Easiest way is using <STDIN>
$line = <STDIN>; print "Input was: $line \n";
- Chomp operator
- Function with return value – returns the number of characters removed, returns zero if nothing is chomped
- Removes all trailing newline characters
- Can be called with or without parentheses
chomp ($text = <STDIN>); $result = chomp $variable;
- The while Control Structure
$count = 0; while ($count < 10) { … $count += 1; … }
- The undef Value
- This is a scalar value all on its own, defaults to zero or empty string
$sum += 1; # sum = 1 $string .= “hello world”; # string = hello world
- The defined Function
- Used to check undef variables
if(defined($variable)){ print “True!”; } else { print “False!”; }